Please check the dates before planning supervisions

Sep 27 - Oct 2, 2004, Philadelphia, USA (ACM Mobicom)

Sep 15 - Sep 27, 2004, Madison, USA (research in Wisconsin-Madison)

July 26 - Aug 27th , India (Work with CDMA 3G Nets!)

June 10-17, 2004, New York, USA (ACM Sigmetrics 2004)

June 6-9 2004, Boston, USA (ACM Mobisys 2004)

April 19-21 2004, Antibes Juan-les-Pins, France (PAM 2004)

March 23-26 2004, Cambridge, UK (WiOpt 2004 -- local arrangements!)

March 14-17 2004, Orlando, FL, USA (IEEE PerCom 2004)

March 4-14 2004, Madison, Wisconsin, USA

Sep 14-20 2003, San Deigo, CA, USA (ACM MOBICOM 2003/ACM MobiDE 2003)

May 11-15 2003, Anchorage, Alaska, USA (IEEE ICC 2003)

May 5-8 2003, San Francisco, USA (ACM MOBISYS 2003)

March 29th -- April 3rd 2003, San Francisco, USA (IEEE INFOCOM 2003)

March 4th -- 6th 2003, Barcelona, Spain (Workshop on Internet usage over 2.5G and 3G -- WIU253)

December 8th 2002 -- January 2nd 2003, India (vacation!)

November 15th -- November 22nd 2002, Taipei, Taiwan (IEEE GLOBECOM 2002)

October 13th -- October 16th 2002, Bertinoro, Italy (CaberNet Radicals 2002)

September 23th -- September 28th 2002, Atlanta, USA (ACM MOBICOM 2002)

August 19th -- August 23rd 2002, PittsBurgh, USA (ACM SIGCOMM 2002)

August 23rd -- August 30th 2002, Atlanta, USA (IEEE ICWLHN 2002)