Supervision FAQ

Here is a list of questions that I usually get from supervisees.
I hope this will sort out many issues and questions that you
have in your mind before you take (or want to take) up
supervisions with me.

Q. Which subjects (courses) do you supervise?

I usually opt supervisions for courses that I know the most,
and courses that are typically meant for Part-II students.
I have supervised Digital Communications-II and Comparative
Architectures. I am also planning to supervise "Computer System
Modelling" and "Security" in the future.

Q. Do you take any kind of revision/extra supervision in Lent
Easter upon request and otherwise?

Past experience suggests that my supervisions typically last
for 1.5-2 hrs. And yes, I do take revisions/extra supervisions

Q. In the mean time can we ask questions through emails?

Yes, of course. But you may sometimes find that my reply to your
getting delayed. This may happen when I am busy with
my own personal
assignments. But dont worry, I'll get back to
you soon after.

Q. When and how do we schedule supervisions?

Typically, it is recommended to take the first supervision
when a third
of the lectures are over. But this may vary with
the likes and
requirements of each group. I am comfortable on
anything that
makes you comfortable.

For scheduling supervisions, e-mail in within your group and
CC me as
well. Once we have all agreed to a time, I can then
book a room for our
discussions. It would be nice if each of
you can e-mail me separately the
list of issues that you find
most obscure. This way, we can filter out
issues that can
eventually contribute to our available time. Just to start

with get hold of the past questions papers, that will give
you a reasonable
idea where and what to look for before pinning
issues of investigation.

Q. DC-II is huge. How do I deal with so many stuff(books?)?
Which one can be used
as a principal reference? Which ones are
the best, in terms of clarity
and simplicity and pertinence
to the course?

I know it looks huge but I think its quite very interesting.
Once you get yourself involved, it would be easy...
There is NO one good book for everything, but there are many
good books for many things. Oftentimes, you will need to refer
to 2 or more (good) books to get your concepts clear. And if
you still
have some time left, I would recommend you to read
some very
interesting papers listed in your lecture handouts
for extra

From (so many) books, here's my take:

TCP/IP operation - Vol 1 Richard Stevens. (nice description
of intricate
details of TCP/IP operation, details TCP -Tahoe,
Reno variants only).

Routing (DV/LS, OSPF, BDP etc.), multicasting, Internet
Quality of Service
(IntServ, DiffServ models etc.) - a good
book would be the recommended one by S. Keshav. On
routing issue
there's one more that I read last year -
by Mark Dickie named
"Routing in today's internetworks" gives cosy
description on

Good overview books to get to understand things fast on
Computer Networks - Peterson and Davie
Computer Networks - Andrew Tanenbaum

Other than that you will need to search the web for more info
on IPv6,
TCP Vegas and other typical TCP variants, RFC's may
be of help ofcourse
but you need to just skim through them though
not very seriously. I have
listed a pointer by Vangelis in my
webpage, have a look at it -
his web-page lists some very useful
pointers. Some papers on
router design would be very useful. I'll
post a slide from
Nick Mckeown's talk on router design later, our
lab is quite
involved in all these stuff. Apart from all this,
your lecture hand-out is always your best-friend.

And if you still have additional questions, feel free to get
in touch!