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00001 #ifndef UBI_SPLAYTREE_H
00002 #define UBI_SPLAYTREE_H
00003 /* $Id$ */
00004 /* ========================================================================== **
00005  *                              ubi_SplayTree.h
00006  *
00007  *  Copyright (C) 1993-1998 by Christopher R. Hertel
00008  *
00009  *  Email:
00010  * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
00011  *
00012  *  This module implements "splay" trees.  Splay trees are binary trees
00013  *  that are rearranged (splayed) whenever a node is accessed.  The
00014  *  splaying process *tends* to make the tree bushier (improves balance),
00015  *  and the nodes that are accessed most frequently *tend* to be closer to
00016  *  the top.
00017  *
00018  *  References: "Self-Adjusting Binary Search Trees", by Daniel Sleator and
00019  *              Robert Tarjan.  Journal of the Association for Computing
00020  *              Machinery Vol 32, No. 3, July 1985 pp. 652-686
00021  *
00022  *    See also: 
00023  *
00024  * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
00025  *
00026  *  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
00027  *  modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
00028  *  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
00029  *  version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
00030  *
00031  *  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00032  *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00034  *  Library General Public License for more details.
00035  *
00036  *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
00037  *  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
00038  *  Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
00039  *
00040  * ========================================================================== **
00041  */
00043 #include "ubi_BinTree.h" /* Base binary tree functions, types, etc.  */
00045 /* ========================================================================== **
00046  * Function prototypes...
00047  */
00049 ubi_trBool ubi_sptInsert( ubi_btRootPtr  RootPtr,
00050                           ubi_btNodePtr  NewNode,
00051                           ubi_btItemPtr  ItemPtr,
00052                           ubi_btNodePtr *OldNode );
00053   /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
00054    * This function uses a non-recursive algorithm to add a new element to the
00055    * splay tree.
00056    *
00057    *  Input:   RootPtr  -  a pointer to the ubi_btRoot structure that indicates
00058    *                       the root of the tree to which NewNode is to be added.
00059    *           NewNode  -  a pointer to an ubi_btNode structure that is NOT
00060    *                       part of any tree.
00061    *           ItemPtr  -  A pointer to the sort key that is stored within
00062    *                       *NewNode.  ItemPtr MUST point to information stored
00063    *                       in *NewNode or an EXACT DUPLICATE.  The key data
00064    *                       indicated by ItemPtr is used to place the new node
00065    *                       into the tree.
00066    *           OldNode  -  a pointer to an ubi_btNodePtr.  When searching
00067    *                       the tree, a duplicate node may be found.  If
00068    *                       duplicates are allowed, then the new node will
00069    *                       be simply placed into the tree.  If duplicates
00070    *                       are not allowed, however, then one of two things
00071    *                       may happen.
00072    *                       1) if overwritting *is not* allowed, this
00073    *                          function will return FALSE (indicating that
00074    *                          the new node could not be inserted), and
00075    *                          *OldNode will point to the duplicate that is
00076    *                          still in the tree.
00077    *                       2) if overwritting *is* allowed, then this
00078    *                          function will swap **OldNode for *NewNode.
00079    *                          In this case, *OldNode will point to the node
00080    *                          that was removed (thus allowing you to free
00081    *                          the node).
00082    *                          **  If you are using overwrite mode, ALWAYS  **
00083    *                          ** check the return value of this parameter! **
00084    *                 Note: You may pass NULL in this parameter, the
00085    *                       function knows how to cope.  If you do this,
00086    *                       however, there will be no way to return a
00087    *                       pointer to an old (ie. replaced) node (which is
00088    *                       a problem if you are using overwrite mode).
00089    *
00090    *  Output:  a boolean value indicating success or failure.  The function
00091    *           will return FALSE if the node could not be added to the tree.
00092    *           Such failure will only occur if duplicates are not allowed,
00093    *           nodes cannot be overwritten, AND a duplicate key was found
00094    *           within the tree.
00095    * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
00096    */
00098 void Rotate( ubi_btNodePtr p );
00099   /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
00100    * This function performs a single rotation, moving node *p up one level
00101    * in the tree.
00102    * 
00103    * Input:    p - a pointer to an ubi_btNode in a tree.
00104    *
00105    * Output:   None.
00106    * 
00107    * Notes:    This implements a single rotation in either direction (left
00108    *            or right).  This is the basic building block of all splay
00109    *            tree rotations.
00110    * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **   */
00112 ubi_btNodePtr ubi_sptRemove( ubi_btRootPtr RootPtr, ubi_btNodePtr DeadNode );
00113   /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
00114    * This function removes the indicated node from the tree.
00115    *
00116    *  Input:   RootPtr  -  A pointer to the header of the tree that contains
00117    *                       the node to be removed.
00118    *           DeadNode -  A pointer to the node that will be removed.
00119    *
00120    *  Output:  This function returns a pointer to the node that was removed
00121    *           from the tree (ie. the same as DeadNode).
00122    *
00123    *  Note:    The node MUST be in the tree indicated by RootPtr.  If not,
00124    *           strange and evil things will happen to your trees.
00125    * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
00126    */
00128 ubi_btNodePtr ubi_sptLocate( ubi_btRootPtr RootPtr,
00129                              ubi_btItemPtr FindMe,
00130                              ubi_trCompOps CompOp );
00131   /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
00132    * The purpose of ubi_btLocate() is to find a node or set of nodes given
00133    * a target value and a "comparison operator".  The Locate() function is
00134    * more flexible and (in the case of trees that may contain dupicate keys)
00135    * more precise than the ubi_btFind() function.  The latter is faster,
00136    * but it only searches for exact matches and, if the tree contains
00137    * duplicates, Find() may return a pointer to any one of the duplicate-
00138    * keyed records.
00139    *
00140    *  Input:
00141    *     RootPtr  -  A pointer to the header of the tree to be searched.
00142    *     FindMe   -  An ubi_btItemPtr that indicates the key for which to
00143    *                 search.
00144    *     CompOp   -  One of the following:
00145    *                    CompOp     Return a pointer to the node with
00146    *                    ------     ---------------------------------
00147    *                   ubi_trLT - the last key value that is less
00148    *                              than FindMe.
00149    *                   ubi_trLE - the first key matching FindMe, or
00150    *                              the last key that is less than
00151    *                              FindMe.
00152    *                   ubi_trEQ - the first key matching FindMe.
00153    *                   ubi_trGE - the first key matching FindMe, or the
00154    *                              first key greater than FindMe.
00155    *                   ubi_trGT - the first key greater than FindMe.
00156    *  Output:
00157    *     A pointer to the node matching the criteria listed above under
00158    *     CompOp, or NULL if no node matched the criteria.
00159    *
00160    *  Notes:
00161    *     In the case of trees with duplicate keys, Locate() will behave as
00162    *     follows:
00163    *
00164    *     Find:  3                       Find: 3
00165    *     Keys:  1 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4   Keys: 1 1 2 2 2 4 4 5 5 5 6
00166    *                  ^ ^         ^                   ^ ^
00167    *                 LT EQ        GT                 LE GE
00168    *
00169    *     That is, when returning a pointer to a node with a key that is LESS
00170    *     THAN the target key (FindMe), Locate() will return a pointer to the
00171    *     LAST matching node.
00172    *     When returning a pointer to a node with a key that is GREATER
00173    *     THAN the target key (FindMe), Locate() will return a pointer to the
00174    *     FIRST matching node.
00175    *
00176    *  See Also: ubi_btFind(), ubi_btFirstOf(), ubi_btLastOf().
00177    * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
00178    */
00180 ubi_btNodePtr ubi_sptFind( ubi_btRootPtr RootPtr,
00181                            ubi_btItemPtr FindMe );
00182   /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
00183    * This function performs a non-recursive search of a tree for any node
00184    * matching a specific key.
00185    *
00186    *  Input:
00187    *     RootPtr  -  a pointer to the header of the tree to be searched.
00188    *     FindMe   -  a pointer to the key value for which to search.
00189    *
00190    *  Output:
00191    *     A pointer to a node with a key that matches the key indicated by
00192    *     FindMe, or NULL if no such node was found.
00193    *
00194    *  Note:   In a tree that allows duplicates, the pointer returned *might
00195    *          not* point to the (sequentially) first occurance of the
00196    *          desired key.  In such a tree, it may be more useful to use
00197    *          ubi_sptLocate().
00198    * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
00199    */
00201 void ubi_sptSplay( ubi_btRootPtr RootPtr,
00202                    ubi_btNodePtr SplayMe );
00203   /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
00204    *  This function allows you to splay the tree at a given node, thus moving
00205    *  the node to the top of the tree.
00206    *
00207    *  Input:
00208    *     RootPtr  -  a pointer to the header of the tree to be splayed.
00209    *     SplayMe  -  a pointer to a node within the tree.  This will become
00210    *                 the new root node.
00211    *  Output: None.
00212    *
00213    *  Notes:  This is an uncharacteristic function for this group of modules
00214    *          in that it provides access to the internal balancing routines,
00215    *          which would normally be hidden.
00216    *          Splaying the tree will not damage it (assuming that I've done
00217    *          *my* job), but there is overhead involved.  I don't recommend
00218    *          that you use this function unless you understand the underlying
00219    *          Splay Tree principles involved.
00220    * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
00221    */
00223 int ubi_sptModuleID( int size, char *list[] );
00224   /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
00225    * Returns a set of strings that identify the module.
00226    *
00227    *  Input:  size  - The number of elements in the array <list>.
00228    *          list  - An array of pointers of type (char *).  This array
00229    *                  should, initially, be empty.  This function will fill
00230    *                  in the array with pointers to strings.
00231    *  Output: The number of elements of <list> that were used.  If this value
00232    *          is less than <size>, the values of the remaining elements are
00233    *          not guaranteed.
00234    *
00235    *  Notes:  Please keep in mind that the pointers returned indicate strings
00236    *          stored in static memory.  Don't free() them, don't write over
00237    *          them, etc.  Just read them.
00238    * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **
00239    */
00241 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **
00242  * Masquarade...
00243  *
00244  * This set of defines allows you to write programs that will use any of the
00245  * implemented binary tree modules (currently BinTree, AVLtree, and SplayTree).
00246  * Instead of using ubi_bt..., use ubi_tr..., and select the tree type by
00247  * including the appropriate module header.
00248  */
00250 #undef ubi_trInsert
00251 #undef ubi_trRemove
00252 #undef ubi_trLocate
00253 #undef ubi_trFind
00254 #undef ubi_trModuleID
00256 #define ubi_trInsert( Rp, Nn, Ip, On ) \
00257         ubi_sptInsert( (ubi_btRootPtr)(Rp), (ubi_btNodePtr)(Nn), \
00258                        (ubi_btItemPtr)(Ip), (ubi_btNodePtr *)(On) )
00260 #define ubi_trRemove( Rp, Dn ) \
00261         ubi_sptRemove( (ubi_btRootPtr)(Rp), (ubi_btNodePtr)(Dn) )
00263 #define ubi_trLocate( Rp, Ip, Op ) \
00264         ubi_sptLocate( (ubi_btRootPtr)(Rp), \
00265                        (ubi_btItemPtr)(Ip), \
00266                        (ubi_trCompOps)(Op) )
00268 #define ubi_trFind( Rp, Ip ) \
00269         ubi_sptFind( (ubi_btRootPtr)(Rp), (ubi_btItemPtr)(Ip) )
00271 #define ubi_trSplay( Rp, Sm ) \
00272         ubi_sptSplay( (ubi_btRootPtr)(Rp), (ubi_btNodePtr)(Sm) )
00274 #define ubi_trModuleID( s, l ) ubi_sptModuleID( s, l )
00276 /* ================================ The End ================================= */
00277 #endif /* UBI_SPLAYTREE_H */

Generated on Sun May 14 14:51:19 2006 by  doxygen 1.4.2