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_progvars Struct Reference

#include <snort.h>

List of all members.

Public Attributes

int stateful
int line_buffer_flag
int checksums_mode
int assurance_mode
int max_pattern
int test_mode_flag
int alert_interface_flag
int verbose_bytedump_flag
int obfuscation_flag
int log_cmd_override
int alert_cmd_override
int char_data_flag
int data_flag
int verbose_flag
int readmode_flag
int show2hdr_flag
int showwifimgmt_flag
int inline_flag
int promisc_flag
int rules_order_flag
int track_flag
int daemon_flag
int quiet_flag
int pkt_cnt
int pkt_snaplen
u_long homenet
u_long netmask
u_int32_t obfuscation_net
u_int32_t obfuscation_mask
int alert_mode
int log_plugin_active
int alert_plugin_active
u_int32_t log_bitmap
char pid_filename [STD_BUF]
char * config_file
char * config_dir
char * log_dir
char readfile [STD_BUF]
char pid_path [STD_BUF]
char * interface
char * pcap_cmd
char * alert_filename
char * binLogFile
int use_utc
int include_year
char * chroot_dir
u_int8_t min_ttl
u_int8_t log_mode
int num_rule_types
char pidfile_suffix [MAX_PIDFILE_SUFFIX+1]
DecoderFlags decoder_flags
char ignore_ports [0x10000]
int rotate_perf_file
u_int32_t event_log_id
int done_processing

Member Data Documentation

int _progvars::alert_cmd_override

Definition at line 167 of file snort.h.

Referenced by ParseCmdLine(), ParseOutputPlugin(), ProcessAlertCommandLine(), and SnortMain().

char* _progvars::alert_filename

Definition at line 217 of file snort.h.

Referenced by ProcessAlertFileOption(), and SnortMain().

int _progvars::alert_interface_flag

Definition at line 163 of file snort.h.

Referenced by AlertFast(), AlertFull(), AlertSyslog(), ParseCmdLine(), ParseConfig(), and PortscanPreprocFunction().

int _progvars::alert_mode

Definition at line 205 of file snort.h.

Referenced by ParseCmdLine(), ProcessAlertCommandLine(), and SnortMain().

int _progvars::alert_plugin_active

Definition at line 207 of file snort.h.

Referenced by AlertCSVInit(), AlertFastInit(), AlertFullInit(), AlertSyslogInit(), AlertUnixSockInit(), DatabaseInit(), SnortMain(), UnifiedAlertInit(), and UnifiedInit().

int _progvars::assurance_mode

Definition at line 160 of file snort.h.

Referenced by fpLogEvent(), NotForStream4(), ParseCmdLine(), ParseConfig(), ReassembleStream4(), and SnortMain().

char* _progvars::binLogFile

Definition at line 218 of file snort.h.

Referenced by ParseCmdLine(), and ProcessLogCommandLine().

int _progvars::char_data_flag

Definition at line 168 of file snort.h.

Referenced by ParseCmdLine(), ParseConfig(), PrintEapolPkt(), PrintIPPkt(), and PrintWifiPkt().

int _progvars::checksums_mode

Definition at line 159 of file snort.h.

Referenced by DecodeICMP(), DecodeIP(), DecodeTCP(), DecodeUDP(), ParseCmdLine(), ParseConfig(), and SnortMain().

char* _progvars::chroot_dir

Definition at line 221 of file snort.h.

Referenced by OpenAlertSock(), ParseCmdLine(), ParseConfig(), and SnortMain().

char* _progvars::config_dir

Definition at line 211 of file snort.h.

Referenced by ParseRulesFile(), ProcessIISUnicodeMap(), and SnortMain().

char* _progvars::config_file

Definition at line 210 of file snort.h.

Referenced by ParseCmdLine(), and SnortMain().

int _progvars::daemon_flag

Definition at line 197 of file snort.h.

Referenced by AlertSyslogInit(), ErrorMessage(), FatalError(), InterfaceThread(), LogMessage(), OpenAlertFile(), ParseCmdLine(), ParseConfig(), PrintError(), and SnortMain().

int _progvars::data_flag

Definition at line 169 of file snort.h.

Referenced by ParseCmdLine(), ParseConfig(), PrintEapolPkt(), PrintIPPkt(), and PrintWifiPkt().

DecoderFlags _progvars::decoder_flags

Definition at line 226 of file snort.h.

Referenced by DecodeARP(), DecodeEAP(), DecodeEapol(), DecodeEapolKey(), DecodeICMP(), DecodeIEEE80211Pkt(), DecodeIP(), DecodeIPOptions(), DecodePPPoEPkt(), DecodeTCP(), DecodeTCPOptions(), DecodeTRPkt(), DecodeUDP(), DecodeVlan(), InitDecoderFlags(), IPHdrTests(), and ParseConfig().

int _progvars::done_processing

Definition at line 231 of file snort.h.

Referenced by CleanExit(), and InterfaceThread().

u_int32_t _progvars::event_log_id

Definition at line 229 of file snort.h.

Referenced by CallAlertFuncs(), CallLogFuncs(), OldUnifiedLogPacketAlert(), ParseCmdLine(), SetEvent(), and SnortMain().

u_long _progvars::homenet

Definition at line 201 of file snort.h.

Referenced by DestinationIpIsHomenet(), GenHomenet(), ObfuscatePacket(), OpenLogFile(), OpenSessionFile(), and SourceIpIsHomenet().

char _progvars::ignore_ports[0x10000]

Definition at line 227 of file snort.h.

Referenced by DecodeTCP(), DecodeUDP(), and ParsePortList().

int _progvars::include_year

Definition at line 220 of file snort.h.

Referenced by ParseCmdLine(), ParseConfig(), and ts_print().

int _progvars::inline_flag

Definition at line 174 of file snort.h.

Referenced by InlineMode(), and ParseCmdLine().

char* _progvars::interface

Definition at line 215 of file snort.h.

Referenced by AlertFast(), AlertFull(), AlertSyslog(), DatabaseInit(), OpenPcap(), ParseCmdLine(), ParseConfig(), PortscanPreprocFunction(), SetPktProcessor(), and SnortMain().

int _progvars::line_buffer_flag

Definition at line 158 of file snort.h.

Referenced by LogTcpdumpSingle(), LogTcpdumpStream(), and ParseCmdLine().

u_int32_t _progvars::log_bitmap

Definition at line 208 of file snort.h.

Referenced by LogStream(), LogTcpdumpInit(), and UnifiedLogInit().

int _progvars::log_cmd_override

Definition at line 166 of file snort.h.

Referenced by ParseCmdLine(), ParseConfig(), ParseOutputPlugin(), ProcessLogCommandLine(), and SnortMain().

char* _progvars::log_dir

Definition at line 212 of file snort.h.

Referenced by CheckLogDir(), CreatePidFile(), OpenAlertFile(), OpenAlertSock(), OpenLogFile(), OpenSessionFile(), OpenStatsFile(), ParseCmdLine(), ParseConfig(), ParseLogFile(), ParsePerfMonitorArgs(), ParsePortscanArgs(), ParseScanmungeArgs(), ProcessFileOption(), SnortMain(), Stream4Init(), TcpdumpInitLogFile(), UnifiedInitAlertFile(), UnifiedInitFile(), and UnifiedInitLogFile().

u_int8_t _progvars::log_mode

Definition at line 223 of file snort.h.

Referenced by ParseCmdLine(), ParseConfig(), ProcessLogCommandLine(), and SnortMain().

int _progvars::log_plugin_active

Definition at line 206 of file snort.h.

Referenced by DatabaseInit(), LogAsciiInit(), LogNullInit(), LogTcpdumpInit(), SnortMain(), UnifiedInit(), and UnifiedLogInit().

int _progvars::max_pattern

Definition at line 161 of file snort.h.

u_int8_t _progvars::min_ttl

Definition at line 222 of file snort.h.

Referenced by ParseConfig(), and ProcessPacket().

u_long _progvars::netmask

Definition at line 202 of file snort.h.

Referenced by DestinationIpIsHomenet(), GenHomenet(), ObfuscatePacket(), OpenLogFile(), OpenSessionFile(), and SourceIpIsHomenet().

int _progvars::num_rule_types

Definition at line 224 of file snort.h.

Referenced by CreateRuleType(), OtnXMatchDataInitialize(), and ParseRuleTypeDeclaration().

int _progvars::obfuscation_flag

Definition at line 165 of file snort.h.

Referenced by CallAlertFuncs(), CallAlertPlugins(), CallLogFuncs(), CallLogPlugins(), CallSigOutputFuncs(), ParseCmdLine(), ParseConfig(), and PrintIPHeader().

u_int32_t _progvars::obfuscation_mask

Definition at line 204 of file snort.h.

Referenced by GenObfuscationMask(), and ObfuscatePacket().

u_int32_t _progvars::obfuscation_net

Definition at line 203 of file snort.h.

Referenced by GenObfuscationMask(), and ObfuscatePacket().

char* _progvars::pcap_cmd

Definition at line 216 of file snort.h.

Referenced by DatabaseInit(), OpenPcap(), ParseCmdLine(), and ParseConfig().

char _progvars::pid_filename[STD_BUF]

Definition at line 209 of file snort.h.

Referenced by CleanExit(), CreatePidFile(), and Restart().

char _progvars::pid_path[STD_BUF]

Definition at line 214 of file snort.h.

Referenced by CreatePidFile().

char _progvars::pidfile_suffix[MAX_PIDFILE_SUFFIX+1]

Definition at line 225 of file snort.h.

Referenced by CreatePidFile(), ParseCmdLine(), and SnortMain().

int _progvars::pkt_cnt

Definition at line 199 of file snort.h.

Referenced by InterfaceThread(), ParseCmdLine(), ParseConfig(), and SnortMain().

int _progvars::pkt_snaplen

Definition at line 200 of file snort.h.

Referenced by OpenPcap(), ParseCmdLine(), and ParseConfig().

int _progvars::promisc_flag

Definition at line 194 of file snort.h.

Referenced by OpenPcap(), ParseCmdLine(), and ParseConfig().

int _progvars::quiet_flag

Definition at line 198 of file snort.h.

Referenced by CreatePidFile(), DatabaseInit(), Disconnect(), DropStats(), DumpOutputPlugins(), DumpPlugIns(), DumpPreprocessors(), FlowCleanExit(), FlowPreprocessor(), FlowPSCleanExit(), FlowPSOutputConfig(), Frag3Defrag(), InitOutputPlugins(), InitPlugIns(), InitPreprocessors(), IntegrityCheck(), IntegrityCheckRules(), LogMessage(), OpenPcap(), ParseCmdLine(), ParseConfig(), ParseDatabaseArgs(), ParseFrag2Args(), ParsePortscanArgs(), ParseRulesFile(), ProcessFileOption(), SetPktProcessor(), SigUsrHandler(), and SnortMain().

char _progvars::readfile[STD_BUF]

Definition at line 213 of file snort.h.

Referenced by OpenPcap(), ParseCmdLine(), ParseConfig(), and SnortMain().

int _progvars::readmode_flag

Definition at line 171 of file snort.h.

Referenced by CreatePidFile(), DropStats(), GetPktDropStats(), OpenPcap(), ParseCmdLine(), ParseConfig(), SetPktProcessor(), and SnortMain().

int _progvars::rotate_perf_file

Definition at line 228 of file snort.h.

Referenced by ProcessPerfMonitor(), SigUsrHandler(), and SnortMain().

int _progvars::rules_order_flag

Definition at line 195 of file snort.h.

Referenced by ParseCmdLine(), ParseConfig(), and SnortMain().

int _progvars::show2hdr_flag

Definition at line 172 of file snort.h.

Referenced by AlertFull(), ParseCmdLine(), ParseConfig(), PrintEapolPkt(), PrintIPHeader(), PrintIPPkt(), and SetPktProcessor().

int _progvars::showwifimgmt_flag

Definition at line 173 of file snort.h.

Referenced by ParseCmdLine(), and ProcessPacket().

int _progvars::stateful

Definition at line 157 of file snort.h.

Referenced by CheckFromClient(), CheckFromServer(), NotForStream4(), ReassembleStream4(), and Stream4Init().

int _progvars::test_mode_flag

Definition at line 162 of file snort.h.

Referenced by CleanExit(), ParseCmdLine(), Restart(), SnortMain(), and TcpdumpInitLogFile().

int _progvars::track_flag

Definition at line 196 of file snort.h.

int _progvars::use_utc

Definition at line 219 of file snort.h.

Referenced by GetCurrentTimestamp(), GetTimestamp(), ParseCmdLine(), ParseConfig(), ParsePortscanArgs(), SnortMain(), and ts_print().

int _progvars::verbose_bytedump_flag

Definition at line 164 of file snort.h.

Referenced by ParseCmdLine(), ParseConfig(), PrintEapolPkt(), PrintIPPkt(), PrintNetData(), and PrintWifiPkt().

int _progvars::verbose_flag

Definition at line 170 of file snort.h.

Referenced by DecodeARP(), DecodeChdlcPkt(), DecodeEAP(), DecodeEapol(), DecodeEapolKey(), DecodeEthPkt(), DecodeFDDIPkt(), DecodeICMP(), DecodeIEEE80211Pkt(), DecodeIP(), DecodeIPOnly(), DecodeNullPkt(), DecodeOldPflog(), DecodePflog(), DecodePPPoEPkt(), DecodePppPkt(), DecodePppPktEncapsulated(), DecodePppSerialPkt(), DecodeTCP(), DecodeTRPkt(), DecodeUDP(), DecodeVlan(), Frag2Defrag(), GetUniqueName(), ParseCmdLine(), ParseConfig(), Print2ndHeader(), PrintNetData(), ProcessPacket(), and SnortMain().

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
Generated on Sun May 14 14:51:31 2006 by  doxygen 1.4.2