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GPRSWeb::SmartDeviceClient::SmartProtocolStack::StackSettings Class Reference

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ushort MyDeviceID
int ClientReceivePortNumber
int ClientSendFromPortNumber
int ServerSendFromPortNumber
int ServerReceivePortNumber
int DefaultBandwidthDelayProdut
int InterAckableTime
int FirstAckableTime
int AckArrivalTimeout
IPAddress ServerIP
IPAddress ClientIP

Detailed Description

<summary> Settings concerned with the protocol stack </summary>

Definition at line 9 of file StackSettings.cs.

Property Documentation

int GPRSWeb::SmartDeviceClient::SmartProtocolStack::StackSettings::ClientReceivePortNumber [get]

<summary> UDP Port number that client will receive custom protocol traffic on </summary>

Definition at line 36 of file StackSettings.cs.

int GPRSWeb::SmartDeviceClient::SmartProtocolStack::StackSettings::ClientSendFromPortNumber [get]

<summary> The UDP Port number that clients will send data from </summary>

Definition at line 44 of file StackSettings.cs.

ushort GPRSWeb::SmartDeviceClient::SmartProtocolStack::StackSettings::MyDeviceID [get, set]

<summary> The Device ID of the host the protocol stack is running on </summary>

Definition at line 23 of file StackSettings.cs.

ushort GPRSWeb::SmartDeviceClient::SmartProtocolStack::StackSettings::SERVER_DEVICE_ID [get]

<summary> The default Device ID for the server (0). </summary>

Definition at line 147 of file StackSettings.cs.

int GPRSWeb::SmartDeviceClient::SmartProtocolStack::StackSettings::ServerReceivePortNumber [get]

<summary> UDP Port number that the server will received custom protocol traffic on </summary>

Definition at line 58 of file StackSettings.cs.

int GPRSWeb::SmartDeviceClient::SmartProtocolStack::StackSettings::ServerSendFromPortNumber [get]

<summary> The UDP Port number that server will send data from </summary>

Definition at line 51 of file StackSettings.cs.

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