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00001 /* MUX project: bch.c
00002  *
00003  * This file contains the functions for the doing the BCH coding of the 
00004  * header.  
00005  * Most of the BCH code is taken from :
00006  *
00007  *   File:    bch3.c
00008  *   Title:   Encoder/decoder for binary BCH codes in C (Version 3.1)
00009  *   Author:  Robert Morelos-Zaragoza (
00010  *   Date:    August 1994
00011  *
00012  * Brendan Dowling 8/31/95 (repitition code)
00013  * Max Luttrell 4/4/96 (BCH code)
00014  *
00015  */
00017 #include <stdio.h>
00018 #include <math.h>
00020 #include "bytes.h"
00021 #include "bits.h"
00023 #include "bch.h"
00024 #include "input.h"
00026 /*  
00028  *
00029  * m = order of the Galois field GF(2**m) 
00030  * n = 2**m - 1 = size of the multiplicative group of GF(2**m)
00031  * length = length of the BCH code
00032  * t = error correcting capability (max. no. of errors the code corrects)
00033  * d = 2*t + 1 = designed min. distance = no. of consecutive roots of g(x) + 1
00034  * k = n - deg(g(x)) = dimension (no. of information bits/codeword) of the code
00035  * p[] = coefficients of a primitive polynomial used to generate GF(2**m)
00036  * g[] = coefficients of the generator polynomial, g(x)
00037  * alpha_to [] = log table of GF(2**m) 
00038  * index_of[] = antilog table of GF(2**m)
00039  * data[] = information bits = coefficients of data polynomial, i(x)
00040  * bb[] = coefficients of redundancy polynomial x^(length-k) i(x) modulo g(x)
00041  * numerr = number of errors 
00042  * errpos[] = error positions 
00043  * recd[] = coefficients of the received polynomial 
00044  * decerror = number of decoding errors (in _message_ positions) 
00045  *
00046  */
00048 static int             m, n, length, k, t, d;
00049 static int             p[21];
00050 static int             alpha_to[1048576], index_of[1048576], g[548576];
00051 static int             recd[1048576], data[1048576], bb[548576];
00053 extern int debug;
00055 /* int             numerr, errpos[1024], decerror = 0; */
00058 static void 
00059 generate_gf()
00060 /*
00061  * Generate field GF(2**m) from the irreducible polynomial p(X) with
00062  * coefficients in p[0]..p[m].
00063  *
00064  * Lookup tables:
00065  *   index->polynomial form: alpha_to[] contains j=alpha^i;
00066  *   polynomial form -> index form:     index_of[j=alpha^i] = i
00067  *
00068  * alpha=2 is the primitive element of GF(2**m) 
00069  */
00070 {
00071         register int    i, mask;
00073         mask = 1;
00074         alpha_to[m] = 0;
00075         for (i = 0; i < m; i++) {
00076                 alpha_to[i] = mask;
00077                 index_of[alpha_to[i]] = i;
00078                 if (p[i] != 0)
00079                         alpha_to[m] ^= mask;
00080                 mask <<= 1;
00081         }
00082         index_of[alpha_to[m]] = m;
00083         mask >>= 1;
00084         for (i = m + 1; i < n; i++) {
00085                 if (alpha_to[i - 1] >= mask)
00086                   alpha_to[i] = alpha_to[m] ^ ((alpha_to[i - 1] ^ mask) << 1);
00087                 else
00088                   alpha_to[i] = alpha_to[i - 1] << 1;
00089                 index_of[alpha_to[i]] = i;
00090         }
00091         index_of[0] = -1;
00092 }
00094 static void 
00095 gen_poly()
00096 /*
00097  * Compute the generator polynomial of a binary BCH code. Fist generate the
00098  * cycle sets modulo 2**m - 1, cycle[][] =  (i, 2*i, 4*i, ..., 2^l*i). Then
00099  * determine those cycle sets that contain integers in the set of (d-1)
00100  * consecutive integers {1..(d-1)}. The generator polynomial is calculated
00101  * as the product of linear factors of the form (x+alpha^i), for every i in
00102  * the above cycle sets.
00103  */
00104 {
00105         register int    ii, jj, ll, kaux;
00106         register int    test, aux, nocycles, root, noterms, rdncy;
00107         int             cycle[1024][21], size[1024], min[1024], zeros[1024];
00109         /* Generate cycle sets modulo n, n = 2**m - 1 */
00110         cycle[0][0] = 0;
00111         size[0] = 1;
00112         cycle[1][0] = 1;
00113         size[1] = 1;
00114         jj = 1;                 /* cycle set index */
00115         if (m > 9)  {
00116                 printf("BCH: gen_poly() - Computing cycle sets modulo %d\n", n);
00117         }
00118         do {
00119                 /* Generate the jj-th cycle set */
00120                 ii = 0;
00121                 do {
00122                         ii++;
00123                         cycle[jj][ii] = (cycle[jj][ii - 1] * 2) % n;
00124                         size[jj]++;
00125                         aux = (cycle[jj][ii] * 2) % n;
00126                 } while (aux != cycle[jj][0]);
00127                 /* Next cycle set representative */
00128                 ll = 0;
00129                 do {
00130                         ll++;
00131                         test = 0;
00132                         for (ii = 1; ((ii <= jj) && (!test)); ii++)     
00133                         /* Examine previous cycle sets */
00134                           for (kaux = 0; ((kaux < size[ii]) && (!test)); kaux++)
00135                              if (ll == cycle[ii][kaux])
00136                                 test = 1;
00137                 } while ((test) && (ll < (n - 1)));
00138                 if (!(test)) {
00139                         jj++;   /* next cycle set index */
00140                         cycle[jj][0] = ll;
00141                         size[jj] = 1;
00142                 }
00143         } while (ll < (n - 1));
00144         nocycles = jj;          /* number of cycle sets modulo n */
00146         d = 2 * t + 1;
00147         /* Search for roots 1, 2, ..., d-1 in cycle sets */
00148         kaux = 0;
00149         rdncy = 0;
00150         for (ii = 1; ii <= nocycles; ii++) {
00151                 min[kaux] = 0;
00152                 test = 0;
00153                 for (jj = 0; ((jj < size[ii]) && (!test)); jj++)
00154                         for (root = 1; ((root < d) && (!test)); root++)
00155                                 if (root == cycle[ii][jj])  {
00156                                         test = 1;
00157                                         min[kaux] = ii;
00158                                 }
00159                 if (min[kaux]) {
00160                         rdncy += size[min[kaux]];
00161                         kaux++;
00162                 }
00163         }
00164         noterms = kaux;
00165         kaux = 1;
00166         for (ii = 0; ii < noterms; ii++)
00167                 for (jj = 0; jj < size[min[ii]]; jj++) {
00168                         zeros[kaux] = cycle[min[ii]][jj];
00169                         kaux++;
00170                 }
00171         k = length - rdncy;
00173         /* Compute the generator polynomial */
00174         g[0] = alpha_to[zeros[1]];
00175         g[1] = 1;               /* g(x) = (X + zeros[1]) initially */
00176         for (ii = 2; ii <= rdncy; ii++) {
00177           g[ii] = 1;
00178           for (jj = ii - 1; jj > 0; jj--)
00179             if (g[jj] != 0)
00180               g[jj] = g[jj - 1] ^ alpha_to[(index_of[g[jj]] + zeros[ii]) % n];
00181             else
00182               g[jj] = g[jj - 1];
00183           g[0] = alpha_to[(index_of[g[0]] + zeros[ii]) % n];
00184         }
00186         if (debug >= 5) {
00187           printf("BCH: gen_poly() - g(x) = ");
00188           for (ii = 0; ii <= rdncy; ii++) {
00189             printf("%d", g[ii]);
00190             if (ii && ((ii % 50) == 0))
00191               printf("\n");
00192           }
00193           printf("\n");
00194         }
00195 }
00198 static void 
00199 mencode_bch()
00200 /*
00201  * Compute redundacy bb[], the coefficients of b(x). The redundancy
00202  * polynomial b(x) is the remainder after dividing x^(length-k)*data(x)
00203  * by the generator polynomial g(x).
00204  */
00205 {
00206         register int    i, j;
00207         register int    feedback;
00209         for (i = 0; i < length - k; i++)
00210                 bb[i] = 0;
00211         for (i = k - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
00212                 feedback = data[i] ^ bb[length - k - 1];
00213                 if (feedback != 0) {
00214                         for (j = length - k - 1; j > 0; j--)
00215                                 if (g[j] != 0)
00216                                         bb[j] = bb[j - 1] ^ feedback;
00217                                 else
00218                                         bb[j] = bb[j - 1];
00219                         bb[0] = g[0] && feedback;
00220                 } else {
00221                         for (j = length - k - 1; j > 0; j--)
00222                                 bb[j] = bb[j - 1];
00223                         bb[0] = 0;
00224                 }
00225         }
00226 }
00229 static int mdecode_bch(int correction)
00230 /*
00231  * Simon Rockliff's implementation of Berlekamp's algorithm.
00232  *
00233  * Assume we have received bits in recd[i], i=0..(n-1).
00234  *
00235  * Compute the 2*t syndromes by substituting alpha^i into rec(X) and
00236  * evaluating, storing the syndromes in s[i], i=1..2t (leave s[0] zero) .
00237  * Then we use the Berlekamp algorithm to find the error location polynomial
00238  * elp[i].
00239  *
00240  * If the degree of the elp is >t, then we cannot correct all the errors, and
00241  * we have detected an uncorrectable error pattern. We output the information
00242  * bits uncorrected.
00243  *
00244  * If the degree of elp is <=t, we substitute alpha^i , i=1..n into the elp
00245  * to get the roots, hence the inverse roots, the error location numbers.
00246  * This step is usually called "Chien's search".
00247  *
00248  * If the number of errors located is not equal the degree of the elp, then
00249  * the decoder assumes that there are more than t errors and cannot correct
00250  * them, only detect them. We output the information bits uncorrected.
00251  */
00252 {
00253         register int    i, j, u, q, t2, count = 0, syn_error = 0;
00254         int             elp[1026][1024], d[1026], l[1026], u_lu[1026], s[1025];
00255         int             root[200], loc[200], err[1024], reg[201];
00256         int             returnval = 1;
00258         t2 = 2 * t;
00260         /* first form the syndromes */
00261         if (debug >= 3) {
00262           printf("BCH: mdecode_bch() - S(x) = "); 
00263         }
00265         for (i = 1; i <= t2; i++) {
00266           s[i] = 0;
00267           for (j = 0; j < length; j++)
00268             if (recd[j] != 0)
00269               s[i] ^= alpha_to[(i * j) % n];
00270           if (s[i] != 0) {
00271                         syn_error = 1; /* set error flag if non-zero syndrome */
00272                         /* if we are only detecting, bail out */
00273                         if (!correction) 
00274                                 return 0;
00275           }
00276           /*
00277            * Note:    If the code is used only for ERROR DETECTION, then
00278            *          exit program here indicating the presence of errors.
00279            */
00280           /* convert syndrome from polynomial form to index form  */
00281           s[i] = index_of[s[i]];
00282           if (debug >= 3) {
00283             printf("%3d ", s[i]);
00284           }
00285         }
00286         if (debug >= 3) {
00287           printf("\n");
00288         }
00290         if (syn_error) {        /* if there are errors, try to correct them */
00291                 /*
00292                  * Compute the error location polynomial via the Berlekamp
00293                  * iterative algorithm. Following the terminology of Lin and
00294                  * Costello's book :   d[u] is the 'mu'th discrepancy, where
00295                  * u='mu'+1 and 'mu' (the Greek letter!) is the step number
00296                  * ranging from -1 to 2*t (see L&C),  l[u] is the degree of
00297                  * the elp at that step, and u_l[u] is the difference between
00298                  * the step number and the degree of the elp. 
00299                  */
00300                 /* initialise table entries */
00301                 d[0] = 0;                       /* index form */
00302                 d[1] = s[1];            /* index form */
00303                 elp[0][0] = 0;          /* index form */
00304                 elp[1][0] = 1;          /* polynomial form */
00305                 for (i = 1; i < t2; i++) {
00306                         elp[0][i] = -1; /* index form */
00307                         elp[1][i] = 0;  /* polynomial form */
00308                 }
00309                 l[0] = 0;
00310                 l[1] = 0;
00311                 u_lu[0] = -1;
00312                 u_lu[1] = 0;
00313                 u = 0;
00315                 do {
00316                         u++;
00317                         if (d[u] == -1) {
00318                                 l[u + 1] = l[u];
00319                                 for (i = 0; i <= l[u]; i++) {
00320                                         elp[u + 1][i] = elp[u][i];
00321                                         elp[u][i] = index_of[elp[u][i]];
00322                                 }
00323                         } else
00324                                 /*
00325                                  * search for words with greatest u_lu[q] for
00326                                  * which d[q]!=0 
00327                                  */
00328                         {
00329                                 q = u - 1;
00330                                 while ((d[q] == -1) && (q > 0))
00331                                         q--;
00332                                 /* have found first non-zero d[q]  */
00333                                 if (q > 0) {
00334                                   j = q;
00335                                   do {
00336                                     j--;
00337                                     if ((d[j] != -1) && (u_lu[q] < u_lu[j]))
00338                                       q = j;
00339                                   } while (j > 0);
00340                                 }
00342                                 /*
00343                                  * have now found q such that d[u]!=0 and
00344                                  * u_lu[q] is maximum 
00345                                  */
00346                                 /* store degree of new elp polynomial */
00347                                 if (l[u] > l[q] + u - q)
00348                                         l[u + 1] = l[u];
00349                                 else
00350                                         l[u + 1] = l[q] + u - q;
00352                                 /* form new elp(x) */
00353                                 for (i = 0; i < t2; i++)
00354                                         elp[u + 1][i] = 0;
00355                                 for (i = 0; i <= l[q]; i++)
00356                                         if (elp[q][i] != -1)
00357                                                 elp[u + 1][i + u - q] = 
00358                                    alpha_to[(d[u] + n - d[q] + elp[q][i]) % n];
00359                                 for (i = 0; i <= l[u]; i++) {
00360                                         elp[u + 1][i] ^= elp[u][i];
00361                                         elp[u][i] = index_of[elp[u][i]];
00362                                 }
00363                         }
00364                         u_lu[u + 1] = u - l[u + 1];
00366                         /* form (u+1)th discrepancy */
00367                         if (u < t2) {   
00368                         /* no discrepancy computed on last iteration */
00369                           if (s[u + 1] != -1)
00370                             d[u + 1] = alpha_to[s[u + 1]];
00371                           else
00372                             d[u + 1] = 0;
00373                             for (i = 1; i <= l[u + 1]; i++)
00374                               if ((s[u + 1 - i] != -1) && (elp[u + 1][i] != 0))
00375                                 d[u + 1] ^= alpha_to[(s[u + 1 - i] 
00376                                               + index_of[elp[u + 1][i]]) % n];
00377                           /* put d[u+1] into index form */
00378                           d[u + 1] = index_of[d[u + 1]];        
00379                         }
00380                 } while ((u < t2) && (l[u + 1] <= t));
00382                 u++;
00383                 if (l[u] <= t) {/* Can correct errors */
00384                         /* put elp into index form */
00385                         for (i = 0; i <= l[u]; i++)
00386                                 elp[u][i] = index_of[elp[u][i]];
00388                         if (debug >= 5) {
00389                           printf("BCH: mencode_bch() - sigma(x) = ");
00390                           for (i = 0; i <= l[u]; i++)
00391                                 printf("%3d ", elp[u][i]);
00392                           printf("\n");
00393                         } 
00395                         if (debug >= 3) {
00396                           printf("BCH: mencode_bch() - Roots: ");
00397                         }
00398                         /* Chien search: find roots of the error location polynomial */
00399                         for (i = 1; i <= l[u]; i++)
00400                                 reg[i] = elp[u][i];
00401                         count = 0;
00402                         for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
00403                                 q = 1;
00404                                 for (j = 1; j <= l[u]; j++)
00405                                         if (reg[j] != -1) {
00406                                                 reg[j] = (reg[j] + j) % n;
00407                                                 q ^= alpha_to[reg[j]];
00408                                         }
00409                                 if (!q) {       /* store root and error
00410                                                  * location number indices */
00411                                         root[count] = i;
00412                                         loc[count] = n - i;
00413                                         count++;
00414                                         if (debug >=3 )
00415                                           printf("%3d ", n - i);
00416                                 }
00417                         }
00418                         if (debug >= 3)
00419                           printf("\n");
00420                         if (count == l[u]) {    
00421                         /* no. roots = degree of elp hence <= t errors */
00422                                 for (i = 0; i < l[u]; i++)
00423                                         recd[loc[i]] ^= 1;
00424                         }
00425                         else{   /* elp has degree >t hence cannot solve */
00426                                 if (debug >=3)
00427                                   printf("mdecode_bch() - Incomplete decoding: errors detected\n");
00428                         }
00429                 }
00430         }
00431         return returnval;  
00432 }
00435 /*************************************************************/
00436 /* This is the stuff that we can work with.                  */
00437 /*************************************************************/
00441 static void bch_init(bch_type type)
00442 {
00443   static bch_type old_type=-1;
00444   int i,j;
00446   /*
00447    * let's only initialize stuff if the parameters have changed.  
00448    * that should speed this up a lot.
00449    */
00451   if (old_type != type) {
00452     /*                             
00453      * initial stuff.  set p[] = 0's.      
00454      */
00455     for (i=0;i<21;i++)
00456       p[i] = 0;
00458     /*
00459      * setup code specific params.
00460      */
00461     switch(type) {
00462     case BCH15_5:  
00463       /*   (15,5,7) BCH Code */      
00464       k=5;      t=3;      m = 4;     length = 15;  
00465       break;
00466     case BCH15_7:  
00467       /*   (15,7,5) BCH code */      
00468       k=7;      t=2;      m = 4;     length = 15;  
00469       break;
00470     case BCH15_11: 
00471       /*   (15,11,3) BCH code */     
00472       k=11;     t=1;      m = 4;     length = 15;  
00473       break;
00474     case BCH31_6:  
00475       /*   (31,6,15) BCH code */     
00476       k=6;      t=7;      m = 5;     length = 31;  
00477       break;
00478     case BCH31_11: 
00479       /*   (31,11,11) BCH code */    
00480       k=11;     t=5;      m = 5;     length = 31;  
00481       break;
00482     case BCH63_7:  
00483       /*   (63,7,31) BCH code */     
00484       k=7;      t=15;     m = 6;     length = 63;  
00485       break;
00486     case BCH63_10: 
00487       /*   (63,10,37) BCH code */    
00488       k=10;     t=13;     m = 6;     length = 63;  
00489       break;
00490     }
00492     /*
00493      * next set n = 2^m-1.  
00494      */
00495     n=1;
00496     for (i=0;i<m;i++)
00497       n*=2;
00498     n-=1;
00500     /*
00501      * Set length specific params.
00502      */
00503     switch(type) {
00504     case BCH15_5: 
00505     case BCH15_7: 
00506     case BCH15_11:      
00507       /* p(x) = 11001 */
00508       p[0]=1;      p[1]=1;      p[4]=1;
00509       break;
00510     case BCH31_6:
00511     case BCH31_11:
00512       /* p(x) = 101001 */
00513       p[0]=1;      p[2]=1;      p[5]=1;
00514       break;
00515     case BCH63_7:
00516     case BCH63_10:
00517       /* p(x) = 1100001 */
00518       p[0]=1;      p[1]=1;      p[6]=1;
00519       break;
00520     }
00521     generate_gf();
00522     gen_poly();
00523   }
00524 }
00529 void encode_bch(unsigned long bits, byte *block, bch_type type)
00530 /*
00531  * external interface to BCH encoding.
00532  */
00533 {
00534   int i,j;
00536   if (debug >= 3) {
00537     printf("BCH: encode_bch() type = %s\n",  bch_type_str(type));
00538   }
00540   if (type == BCHNONE) {
00541     block[0] = bits & 0xFF;
00542     return;
00543   }
00545   /* 
00546    * init codec if necessary
00547    */
00548   bch_init(type);
00550   /* 
00551    * put input into encoder.
00552    */
00554   for (i=0;i<k;i++) 
00555     data[i] = getbitint(bits,(16-i)); /* data stores the field in REVERSE */
00557   /*
00558    * Run the encoder.
00559    */
00560   mencode_bch();   
00562   /* 
00563    * Put the redundancy + data into recd[] 
00564    */
00565   for (i = 0; i < length - k; i++)
00566     recd[i] = bb[i];
00567   for (i = 0; i < k; i++)
00568     recd[i + length - k] = data[i];
00570   /*
00571    * recd[] now contains the code.  put this into Block and return 
00572    */
00573     for (i=0;i<=(length/8);i++)
00574       for(j=1;j<=8;j++)
00575         setbit(&(block[i]),j,recd[(8*i)+j-1]);
00577 }
00580 int decode_bch(unsigned long *bits, byte *block, bch_type type, int correction)
00581      /*
00582       *
00583       * For detection mode,
00584       * Returns 1 if decoding ok.
00585       * Returns 0 if decoding not ok.
00586       *
00587       * For correction mode,
00588       * always returns 1
00589       *
00590       * correction is 0 if bch codec used for detection, 1 if for correction
00591       * at this point, only correction mode works properly
00592       */
00593 {
00594   int i, j;
00595   unsigned int r=0;
00596   int returnval=0;
00599   if ((correction!=0)&&(correction!=1))
00600     error("decode_bch","incorrect correction mode");
00602   /*
00603    * begin the decoding process 
00604    */
00605   if (debug >= 3) {
00606     printf("BCH: decode_bch() - bch_code = %s\n", bch_type_str(type));
00607   }
00609   if (type == BCHNONE) {
00610     *bits = block[0];
00611     return 1;
00612   }
00614   /* 
00615    * init codec if necessary
00616    */
00617   bch_init(type);
00620   /* 
00621    * copy input to decoder to recd[]
00622    */
00624   for (i=0;i<m-1;i++) 
00625     for (j=1;j<8;j++)
00626       recd[(8*i)+j-1] = getbit(block[i],j);
00628   /*
00629    * run the BCH decoding algorithm
00630    */
00631   returnval = mdecode_bch(correction);  
00633   /*
00634    * put output of bch coder into *bits;
00635    */
00637   j=1;
00638   r = 0;
00639   for (i=length-k;i<length;i++) {
00640     r += j*recd[i];
00641     j*=2;
00642   }
00643   *bits = r;
00645   if (debug >= 3) {
00646     printf("BCH: decode_bch() bits = %d\n", *bits);
00647   }
00649   return (returnval);
00650 }
00655 bch_type strtobch_type(char *str)
00656 {
00657   int i;
00658   i=strlen(str)-1;
00659   while (i > 0 && (str[i]==' ' || str[i]=='\t'))
00660     str[i]=0;
00662   if (equals(str, "BCH15_5"))
00663     return BCH15_5;
00664   else if (equals(str, "BCH15_7"))
00665     return BCH15_7;
00666   else if (equals(str, "BCH15_11"))
00667     return BCH15_11;
00668   else if (equals(str, "BCH31_6"))
00669     return BCH31_6;
00670   else if (equals(str, "BCH31_11"))
00671     return BCH31_11;
00672   else if (equals(str, "BCH63_7"))
00673     return BCH63_7;
00674   else if (equals(str, "BCH63_10"))
00675     return BCH63_10;
00676   else if (equals(str, "GOLAY23_12"))
00677     return GOLAY23_12;
00678   else
00679     return BCHNONE;
00680 }
00682 char *bch_type_str(bch_type type)
00683 {
00684   switch(type) {
00685   case BCHNONE:  return "None";
00686   case BCH15_5:  return "(15,5)";
00687   case BCH15_7:  return "(15,7)";
00688   case BCH15_11: return "(15,11)";
00689   case BCH31_6:  return "(31,6)";
00690   case BCH31_11: return "(31,11)";
00691   case BCH63_7:  return "(63,7)";
00692   case BCH63_10: return "(63,10)";
00693   }
00694 }
00697 int code_length(bch_type b)
00698 {
00699   switch(b)
00700     {
00701     case BCHNONE:
00702       return 7;
00703     case BCH15_5: 
00704     case BCH15_7: 
00705     case BCH15_11:      
00706       return 15;
00707     case BCH31_6:
00708     case BCH31_11:
00709       return 31;
00710     case BCH63_7:
00711     case BCH63_10:
00712       return 63;
00713     case GOLAY23_12:
00714       return 23;
00715     }
00716   return 0;
00717 }
00720 int info_length(bch_type b)
00721 {
00722   switch(b)
00723     {
00724     case BCHNONE: return 8;
00725     case BCH15_5: return 5;
00726     case BCH15_7: return 7;
00727     case BCH15_11: return 11;
00728     case BCH31_6: return 6;
00729     case BCH31_11: return 11;
00730     case BCH63_7: return 7;
00731     case BCH63_10: return 10;
00732     }
00733   return 0;
00734 }

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