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00001 using System;
00002 using System.Threading;
00003 using GPRSWeb.SmartDeviceClient.Common;
00005 namespace GPRSWeb.SmartDeviceClient.SmartProtocolStack
00006 {
00010         public class OutgoingMessageQueue : MessageQueue {
00011                 private DateTime lastTimestampUsed; // used in chunkifying low priority messages
00012                 private int lastOffsetUsed; // used in chunkifying low priority messages
00013                 private StackInterface thisStack; // controlling stack interfacce
00014                 private Thread processingThread; // processing thread
00020                 public OutgoingMessageQueue(StackInterface thisStack) : base() {
00021                         this.thisStack = thisStack;
00022                 }
00024                 protected void Initialise() {
00025                         lastTimestampUsed = DateTime.MinValue;
00026                         lastOffsetUsed = 0;
00027                 }
00029                 public void Start() {
00030                         processingThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ProcessQueue));
00031                         processingThread.Start();
00032                 }
00037                 protected void ProcessQueue() {
00038                         Message workingMessage; // the message we're currently working on
00039                         while (true) {
00040                                 workingMessage = this.DequeueBlocking(); // get 
00041                                 try {
00042                                         switch (workingMessage.Priority) {
00043                                                 case MessagePriority.Low : {
00044                                                         ProcessLowPriorityMessage(workingMessage); 
00045                                                         break;
00046                                                 }
00047                                                 case MessagePriority.Normal : {
00048                                                         ProcessNormalPriorityMessage(workingMessage);
00049                                                         break;
00050                                                 }
00051                                                 case MessagePriority.High : {
00052                                                         processHighPriorityMessage(workingMessage);
00053                                                         break;
00054                                                 }
00055                                                 default: { 
00056                                                         thisStack.msgLog.LogError("Outgoing Message Queue was unable to determine prioriry of outgoing message");
00057                                                         break;
00058                                                 }
00059                                         }
00060                                 } catch (ApplicationException appEx) {
00061                                         thisStack.msgLog.LogError("Outgoing Message Queue was unable to redirect a message for transmission. Continuing...\r\n{0}", appEx);
00062                                 }
00063                         }
00064                 }
00066                 protected void ProcessLowPriorityMessage(Message messageToProcess) {
00067                         MessageChunk[] chunks = MessageChunk.GetChunksFromMessage(workingMessage, ref lastTimestampUsed, ref lastOffsetUsed);
00068                         foreach (MessageChunk chunk in chunks) {
00069                                 chunk.Destination = workingMessage.Destination;
00070                                 chunk.Source = 0;
00071                                 thisStack.GetRemoteHostByID(chunk.Destination).TxQueue.Enqueue(TransmissionQueueEntry.FromMessage(chunk, true), true);
00072                         }
00073                 }
00075                 protected void ProcessNormalPriorityMessage(Message messageToProcess) {
00076                         thisStack.GetRemoteHostByID(messageToProcess.Destination).TxQueue.Enqueue(TransmissionQueueEntry.FromMessage(workingMessage), false);
00077                 }
00079                 protected void ProcessHighPriorityMessage(Message messageToProcess) {
00080                         throw new ApplicationException("Sending High Priority Messages is not implemented");
00081                 }
00082         } // end class
00083 } // end namespace

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